Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Detonation of Euphoria (293)

Prolonged motivation for some comes easily. Dedication to their cause, action, thinking is engrained in their spirit. They breathe it, swim in it. For others, it gets ignited, sparks an inner revolution, causing a surge of activity. But it sustains for spurts and lunges. The in between, the gaps, the empty spaces connecting the detonations of euphoria- these are the quiet times where the energy is building for me at least. If I hang on top of the rush for too long, I fizzle. 

I think like a big fish in a small pond, but actually live my life a small fish in a big one. I do not envy those on the constant ripple. For me, I need to swim to the bottom frequently, rest in the darkness and rejuvenate. Only then, can I look up and see the potential shining down upon me. I try to do too much- I see others doing fantastic things and want to do the same. But, then the ripples become waves and I am forced to merely float and observe.

This is not to say that I do not do extraordinary things. I know I do. But, I generally accomplish them on my arduous path. Things for me have always come with a bit of struggle. But, my ten thousand hours eventually pay off, just within the frame of my own construction. I am aware that others are more successful- more recognized, more idolized. At moments of weakness, I compare. I retreat into a murky void. But, I always return to the flow, active and energized.

This seems to be a time of such detonations and explosions of opinion, exploration, discovery and circumstance. Moments where we feel swallowed by the whale, ripped apart by the piranha's and belly up- we try to resist the onslaught of doubt, guilt and shattering confidence. We are all doing our best. We are all filling our niche and taking care of those around us. We as educators are keeping our heads above the murk, within the sunlight- yet we are also treading the surface.

Changes and setbacks forever tugging at our feet, like riptides generated by a vengeful virus. We swim to the edge, holding on tight to our pre-placed buoy's and rafts. Yet, these do not feel sturdy enough. We are in a constant tidepool, circling the drain. Educators are resilient. They are thought leaders. Game changers, inventors, engineers and artists. So we build new platforms on which we can rise from the waters of settlement. As things settle to the floor, others stir the moss and seagrass free- forever obscuring.

We swim, we paddle, we oar, we drift, But we continue our movement our momentum towards our goal. Creating liberating lessons rather than laborious ones. Creating atmospheres of energetic transformation- where what we say and what we do align, into a surge of positivity and hope. Students are behind screen or behind desks- but they are following us. We must take them towards these moments of detonation and euphoria.

We must not get bogged down with semantics and structure. Organization yes. Flexibility yes. But the routines and pacing must be adaptable. Why does every second of every day need to be mapped out. How adventurous is that? How do students engage in a lesson, so specific, it leaves no room for self-expression? How can they think for themselves and remain encouraged to thrive, if what we give them as educators, is a recipe with no margin for creativity. We have to let loose- we have to allow our students to let loose.

The weight of the fuel often slows the lift off. Yet it is required for the journey. We must not pack the rocket with books and worksheets- we need to fill it with gear and tools that will inspire our students to step foot out of the rocket itself. To land their feet on new terrain - we are all learning this new world together. If we step back a little bit- get less formal- listen and learn from them. Discover their motivating sparks- the ignition will be continual, the soar exponential and our sanity, our mindset, our emotional and physical well being- it will rise too.

This is the detonation we all must be seeking. The euphoria of a steady pace. A hopeful and engaging classroom. A mindful and balanced frame of mind. When these sync and the focused explosion occurs- there is no damage- only destruction of old ways of thinking, of old ways of doing things- that didn't work. Lets strike the matches of change- lets keep the flames of transformation ignited and kindle the fire and it will continue to burn and we will continue to thrive.

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