There is a sense of relief and freedom after I get a week of virtual lessons in the system. Making sure it is fun, engaging, organized, meaningful, challenging, and that it meets all objectives, standards and pacing- is exhausting. Then having to convert the virtual to the face to face and vice-versa is even more daunting. Yet, I do it every weekend. Chipping away at the mountain, daily.
All the while teaching a full day, mentoring a Quiz Bowl team and tutoring students, and performing my weekly duties. This doesn't even touch on the grading, checking assessments, creating videos or podcasts of virtual class lectures and raising a family.
The scope of being an educator is vast. It is often such a weight, we lay down on the asphalt of our calendar and weep. Some days we close our doors tight and simply teach- pushing those around us away. But most days, we smile and we feel the surge of energy our choice of profession brings us. What was once a symbol of our calling- full, bustling arena's of learning- has changed. It has changed etiquette and experience.
It often feels more like a trial than a party. Always on the watch for proximity. Students steering towards, us directing them apart. Where they once could venture has now been cordoned off. The yellow warning tape and orange construction cones marking off uninhabitable zones. All we are missing is the blinking lights of danger ahead.
Yet, it is necessary- it feels heavy, this constant reminder of Covid.
Sometimes, for brief moments - as they sit in their seats, me walking about- I forget. Then my muffled voice, whispers from behind cloth. I have to annunciate and resonate. Clamor and boom to be heard from behind this protective barrier, this separator, this cage. My hope of scope becomes less fragile daily. I have learned to pontificate precisely and with fervor.
Knowing that it will be my new voice for awhile for those in my orbit. It is funny though, once my mask drops and my students become virtual- I speak loud for a bit. And I have to remind myself to lower my volume and amplify my body movement and animation.
What a world- who would have thought that this beautiful presence we all possess would take such a beating, and from the ashes phoenix. We are all phoenix's and we are all born to do this. Take flight my brethren and together our flock will change the world.
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