Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Threshold and Hibernation #4

Stillness, a settle that only occurs after hours. Darkness falls and school breaks. The space transforms from lively to potential. Chairs fixed, tables abandoned- a fine mist of the days events, resting where they were last stirred. Possibilities looming- waiting, eager for revival. The energy dissipates but does not escape. It swirls, ripples and undulates- maintaining the spirit of the classroom. Our classroom.

There is a threshold, we step over it numerous times throughout the day. Our exit closing down the ambiance of the room- as we head for home. I wonder if like a pet, it anticipates our arrival- bringing back the life force it encapsulates- as it hears our keys jingle in the A.M. Dimensions, shape and style - each their own- classrooms have a silent voice. But, they have a vibrant, rhythmic cadence- we feel it. Our students feed off of it throughout the day.

The energy sets the tone. It urges the complacent to be interactive. It shakes loose the doldrums. Even as we are quiet and planning- solitary- it hums a tune of action, rather than motion. It keeps our minds focused on the necessities and progress of classroom life. It illuminates our successes and highlights our failures- making sure we see them both- accept and work through them both. The energy of our lair, our realm is what we put into it. 

It hibernates, its vigorous- it sits still and reflective or rises and thrives- it is a space very much a part of us. We in fact often spend more hours there a week than in our own homes. The threshold is not merely a barrier or entryway- it is a portal- a bridge way to learning and laughter- intrigue and discovery. It is a vast expanse, no matter its dimensions. Like a book we open, to dive into a story- our classroom door the cover, we open to dive into a journey.

Sometimes when I am falling asleep at night and my teacher mode kicks in- I hear the whisper of that portal, that threshold, reminding me of what I need to bring into the realm the next day. Will there be dragons to slay, or battles to wage? Will there be wizards about, creating the most beautiful illusions. Will the guild be there to unite my thoughts into a great experience? The possibilities are numerous, yet the map leads only one place- our classroom.

A lot of me, endless amounts of them- the energy ebbs and flows- rises and swirls and at the end of the day- it finds its resting place, on tables and chairs, desks and supplies- and it waits patiently. For it knows the threshold will be crossed and the hibernation will be lifted. The sounds of footsteps will awaken it. Voices will energize it. The actions and collaborations will fuel it. The day will flow and the current of investigation will reign. Until it sleeps and settles for another night.

The handle turns, the door- almost mystically- unfolds a new adventure. A chapter yet unread. It lowers the drawbridge, rises the gate and allows the imagination to create a castle of individuality. This space has yet to be defined for it is being written at this moment and every moment of the day. Everyone controls the narrative- every character a lead. The landscape thrives from the energy we all put into it. This wilderness, this 'Shire', this domain, dominion, duchy- it is a safe haven- and the villagers are now arriving.

1 comment:

  1. This Ode to Potential is beautiful and powerful. It reminds me of a recent science lesson I taught to 3rd graders: Elastic Energy. The stretchiness of a rubber band was useful to my class as we made catapults to launch little pumpkins around our room. It mirrored the excitement of being able to... "launch little pumpkins around the room!"

    The adventure is only as great as the adventurers willing to accept that challenge, coupled with the leader, equipment, and abilities available. Realizing the potential of a classroom, the latent energy just waiting for pedagogical ignition, is the like finding the fiction section of the library; reference materials are very valuable, but there are books that bring you to parallel universes and help you see life through the eyes of cats and dogs.

    If a book is only great when it is read, a class can only explode with spark. This blog shows us the kindling waiting. Realize your potential. Light that fire. Love its warmth. Harness its energy. Use its power. Fuel a positive future.


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