Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Angel Maintenance (337)

Every time I hear the extensive routine of maintaining and protecting Air Force One, it surprises me. I understand the importance, I revel at its complexity and thoroughness. I am simply in awe of the amount of dedication and strict adherence to the process. I admire our country's nature to stand tall and look forward.

Just to be vetted to work on the aircraft is unbelievably rigorous- years in fact. It is dismantled and put back together frequently to check for any functionality issues, the crew is staffed with a well-vetted crew and it is well-guarded and revered. Every aspect of comfort, safety and procedure is under scrutiny at all times.

I appreciate this. I honor it. It makes me think of how our classrooms are like this Boeing behemoth- soaring into the skies, travelling miles and landing, traversing continents and crossing oceans. A blue and white icon of our democracy and power. 

We treat our classrooms like this well-oiled machine. We cherish it as if it was an extension of our home.

We design lessons, vetted, rigorous and fulfilling. We treat every student, like a first class traveler, and when they relax and start to enjoy the flight- we allow them the courtesy of a warm cookie and a soft pillow. We never stay in the cockpit for the entire journey- we walk the aisles and make sure they are belted and comfortable.

We take care of them. We show them the respect and grace they deserve. Every passenger on our aircraft however, is in first class. We see the space as unified, wall less and accessible. We make sure of it. For curtains do not isolate. The galley is open to all, the belly is full of luggage and the overhead is crammed with individual tool bags and souvenirs. 

Angel maintenance - for every student has wings, every student can pilot and navigate as well as those in the front of the plane. They are all well-traveled with years of experience- they have all been vetted. 

All we need to do is show them how all the buttons work. Right? Pull back the curtain and let them see the wizard. Let them see the sky, cloudy on days and bright blue and clear on others.

Let them see ahead.

Let them look in the mirror. 

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