Monday, January 17, 2022

When Anxiety Rears its Ugly Head #17

Do you ever wake up just overwhelmed. Every thing you felt proud of yesterday, slinks away and you feel unsuccessful and deflated. Nothing you noticed triggered you. You went to sleep relatively even keeled and satisfied- but somewhere in your deepest sleep- you became hyper aware of your uncertainties and flaws. I don't very often.

I am pretty balanced emotionally. When I get distraught or anxious I redirect my energy and focus on positive activities- reading, art, podcasts, watching my favorite comfort shows. But these last few days- a dread seems to be looming. I am finding it hard to concentrate. I feel run down and nervous- like the other shoe is about to drop.

I know everyone is dealing with life's craziness in different ways. Some better than others. We are all feeling a bit off kilter. It's such an odd feeling to accept- that Covid is not going away and that schools are closing or absences are high for teachers, staff and students. This quagmire is going to be here to some degree from now on.

Anxiety looms, its shaking like a quake- feeling cold, out of sorts. I don't like it.

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