Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Nervous System Obstacle Courses: The Huh? Factor (324)

These days it such a challenge to find ways to convert lessons from virtual to face to face and vice versa. One idea is either great with on-line resources or it hits the mark for classroom collaboration. I knew I wanted something to overlap this week about the Nervous System. A lesson where students were active learners, creating something that could be acted out, drawn or even just podcasted. But I also needed it to be interactive and socially distancing in the classroom.

So I came up with a lesson where students created a 'virtual' obstacle course all about the nerves, parts of the brain, neurons and how they all work together. "If and when these processes are successful", I explained, "you should be able to work your way through an obstacle course. Balance, climb, reason, strategize and sweat and play hard to make it through." The question posed to them is how?

Students created an obstacle course and then explained which part of the nervous system allows us to balance, problem-solve, climb and jump etc. They drew this obstacle course and then explained it in detail. Some students actually created a live version and explained the obstacle course and its connection to the nervous system live on camera. It was awesome to see my virtual students up and about and actively learning.

This activity lent itself to being perfect for face to face and virtual students and proved quite fun for them. 

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