Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Quarter Two, Quarters Tightening (274)

 So we are in our second quarter of school. We spent the first three weeks virtual and the second three weeks virtual and face to face. Yesterday was the first day of the second quarter and thus, all the options renewed- so we had a mass influx and a slight out flux as students decided to transfer from one venue to the other.

Basically it was a second, first day of school. Meeting new students, some I had virtually but found it difficult to recognize them behind a mask. Others switched from other teachers. My small classes, grew and our once spacious quarters now became a more normal classroom capacity. 

Where students had their own personal space before, now they had students across from them or near them. We are still using hand-sanitizer and wipes every class period to sanitize. Masks are covering mouth and nose. Social distancing as much as possible.

One minute if feels somewhat 'normal' the next- muffled and distorted. Weird times.

But, our cases have not gone up, we are not having any issues. Knock on wood. Here is hoping for more students to return next quarter. Her is hoping for continual decrease in cases- at least not a huge increase. Here is to continually feeling more like a community both virtually in my three classes and in person for my other three.

Education in the time of Covid-19. Here in Texas, at least for now it is going alright. 

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