Friday, June 5, 2020

Nacirema Eciov (157)

There is a vastness in which our emotions swirl, they push at the edges, leaving an impression. There is a thread that weaves together our guilt, sorrow, fear. 

The thread becomes threadbare sometimes. The interlace loosens and we begin to unravel. As American's we are unraveling, in such a way that the openings, in the tapestry will take time to restitch. Hopefully with a new perspective.

The strength of insight, community, and peaceful monumental movements, are bringing a much-needed change to the old guard. 

The dusty, castle hung, ornamental, mosaics are tumbling - forcefully being removed- from cave-like sensibilities. This may to some, feel threatening- but all progression comes with uncomfortable loss and destruction. All change is accompanied with a little hesitancy.  

Some voices are leading the masses. Beautiful and eye opening. We are all listening to the strength of common sense. Yet, rage often makes a dent in the peaceful- violence rears itself in ways uncontrollable. There is both in this movement- calm and poignant and destructive and violent.

We are all feeling the outrage. The inner screams and outer shouts of transformation. Yet, we are not all members of the chorus- amazingly hopeful and transcendent. 

Many are merely observers, because they are members of the new congregation. They are finding their way. They are aware and will practice in their own way. They will worship their truth and within their souls. They will add to the beauty of the music of change.

They have their hymn books open and are awaiting for their moment to join in.

There has always been an American Voice- not necessarily a unified one- but one that unites us in some way. 

This is the thunderous, boom of honesty, frustration and pain that is reverberating, in the streets and parks. The sound of coming together, through a virus, through despair and revulsion and ultimately through understanding.

Fear is an ugly monster and it has always brought out the worst in people. Racism, prejudice, misogyny, hatred, and injustice all stem from fear. 

Lately the threads of our American tapestry have unraveled- they have been pulled even more apart. But, in order for a revision, an upheaval, a frightening conversation to occur- we need it to be torn apart.

Now when things are torn apart, they are often done so, in a violent way. It is the initial wave of destruction in many catastrophes. But the Earth must crumble, the ground must sink at our feet, and our sensibilities and values, must be shaken. 

It has to occur in a tremendous quake of sadness, remorse and pause. This is the only way we will stop, remove blame, and try to see our place in the situation.

We must discover our error in judgement, our misunderstandings and misconceptions, our biases. We all have them.

Most people are inherently good people. But sometimes, people are ignorant. Not because they are cruel- but because they are self-absorbed and focused on life itself. So, we also, need to forgive those who just need a little guidance, or a lot.

This country wide conversation, I hope will remain sore to the touch. Uncomfortable. Scary. 

Then, eventually it will be able to lead us, to more meaningful discussions, with real solutions. I am one soul in a country of many- I have no right to say what any solution is. 

That is a process we all must endeavor independently, within ourselves, and as a country as a whole. This the impetus for big changes.

I believe most people are purposefully thinking. Some about how to change themselves. Others on how to improve their outlook and help others find common ground. 

Most people whether they are outwardly verbal or internally altered- feel a grief. Feel an utter sense of rage and anger. How they deal is personal. How they decide to make a difference, transform themselves and respond to the cause, is personal.

I pray, that eventually once the vibration of chaos and dissonance, quiets. The deeper, harder, conversations will have a safe platform to begin. 

That positive interactions will ensue, and people will be left more open-minded. More forgiving and more willing to listen and understand without bitterness or negativity.

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