Monday, March 9, 2020

Tool Kits, Tool Boxes and Tool Belts- A Teacher's Arsenal (68)

A tool box is used to organize, protect and carry. To put everything in its place. It can be heavy metal, or thick plastic- but either way, its designed to last. It might be tall, with lots of drawers. Maybe, portable with a handle. Equipped with wrenches to tighten. Pliers to pinch and clamp. Drivers to wedge and tighten. For a teacher, this is the curriculum. The standards with their nuances. The pacing guide.

The tool kit is specialized. Kept in a case, for easy access. They are placed into categories for certain purposes. Some kits are for triage. Some are for maintenance. Some are for engineering and design. These are accessible when needed. Important and relevant strategies for weekly and daily lessons. To engage, enrich, evaluate and elaborate. They are lesson plans- organized and thorough. These kits are individualized and personal. A teachers unique repertoire.

The tool belt, a utility belt. A pocket filled, accumulation of capabilities, possibilities and prevention. These are kept close, the differentiation strategies to help bridge the gaps. The SEL strategies in place to help students focus and stay mindful. They are secure. They are familiar. They are routine. They are the true essence of teaching, staying tight in place because they are necessary, they are expected, they are useful.

We all have tool kits, tool boxes and tool belts. We all fill them with our favorite tools. We shop for them, buy the sturdiest most reliable ones- with a warranty. They are, who we are, as educators. Now and again we find new utensils and we add them to a pocket. We are constantly looking for better ways to build and design. These are our equipment, our wardrobe. They are as much a part of us, as our words and actions. So keep them organized, updated and sharp- because they will shape the future, one day at a time.

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