Monday, March 23, 2020

First Day of Distance Learning (83)

It was definitely different. Today was the first time in two weeks where I was actually communicating back and forth with my students. All day long, they were asking questions and I was answering them directly. We were quick and succinct in the morning. Then throughout the day, we started getting more familiar, telling some jokes. We loosened up.

I decided NOT to use Zoom or any other video. Just Canvas and email. I wanted to make sure we had the fewest of obstacles: they just started using Legends of Learning, StemScopes and lessons on Brain Pop. So adding another aspect seemed overwhelming.

Learning began. Our district sent out required modules. We must use these as a district. But, since I have 4 GT courses, these classes I can tweak and add some things. My other two have to be ONLY what the district has sent for us to use.

We are in uncharted waters. Like at the edge of an old timey map- dragons and sea monsters about. But, we will adjust. We will reconnect. We will get through any kinks and hurdles and then we can really get into science and start having some fun.

Communication frequent: I sent out a video yesterday and Friday I will share a podcast, a sum up of the weeks information. For us it is catastrophic events. A fun unit in which we usually have great conversations- I don't want to lose that aspect of the unit. So lots of podcasts and student created video's to come.

Sitting behind my computer, in my PJ's and listening to my meditation playlist has been calming. But, I miss my students. I miss my classroom. Some states have cancelled school the rest of the school year. As of yet, we have not. But, I anticipate its arrival. Then distance learning becomes even more important, critical to the social interaction every student needs.

Hunker down and lean in. This might be a bumpy week. But, afterwards, once the dust has settled and the asphalt solid- it is going to be the new normal for awhile. Stay open-minded, patient and eager. Eager to connect and distance simultaneously. It can be done. First day of distance learning- few hiccups. I couldn't see a smile but I could send plenty of cheer. I think a good podcast tonight might lift some spirits.

As Picard would say "Engage."

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