Saturday, May 9, 2020

Brick and Mortar Schools are Essential for the Future (130)

A bit of a rant coming...I apologize in advance. If you do not want to read about why brick and mortar schools are critical to our society- why we must not be resolved to a place of remote learning- stop reading now.

I know we are supposed to stay positive, stay optimistic, remain calm. I know we are supposed to follow directions, have a meaningful discourse and stay open-minded.

But a little bit of skepticism, productive pessimism and rational negativity can actually be helpful these days.

Not everything will work out the way we expect or desire. People will act differently, some angrier and more rudely. Some will hide away their feelings and end up in a deep state of depression. We must keep talking about the emotional results of this quarantine and isolation.

There is a blanket of hope that is comforting- but it is also heavy. A thick quilt, laden with a sense of blindness, for some, as to what we have to do.

We can't lose the essence of why we created brick and mortar schools.

We have to accept that school won't look like it did. I have been reading many articles all with different predictions: no more extra-curricular activities like band and athletics, staggered days and times (alphabetical school), or all on-line classes.

That is just some suggestions, from people who don't truly understand the nature of education. For some reason politicians think they know what's best for our students. They don't.

I have spoken to many parents and none of them want on-line learning. They want the social aspect of school, a much needed component, of a worthwhile education. If we remove band, athletics and extra-curricular clubs, we will be harming millions of students.

We will be stunting their emotional and social growth. Removing the stage for them to excel in other ways, than books and memorization of facts.

If we remove the face to face aspect of education, we will be preventing a connection, so ingrained in our profession. The community building, team collaboration, and interactive component, of learning will be halted.

Students might get information from distance learning, but no matter what we design into remote education- the essence of teaching, the joy of learning, the cooperative nature of academia, will be lost.

Schools were designed to be places of growth and possibility. An environment where students and educators, can find their passion, become great at it, in fact. To have opportunities to thrive and compete.

To make mistakes, fall flat on their face- and have mentors and coaches, help them bounce back. To have a teacher give them feedback and let them reflect on their performance.

Schools are more than desks and chalkboards. They are a visual, reciprocal, collective.

Classrooms, playing fields and concert halls- all merging into a world where students feel independent and driven. Where they can be social, make mistakes and leap forward, in their confidence and learning skills.

I know some say, students will be safer if they stay home. To avoid the virus, I see this perspective. But, at some point we have to return. We can't fear getting sick for the rest of our lives. A year off will be detrimental.

Some say, if we go solely to distance learning, students won't have to endure teasing or the fear of not fitting in. But, when they get stuck in a quagmire of adversity, most come out the other side, better for it. I was a victim of bullying and it was awful- it sucked. But, I am stronger for it. I survived.

I know tragedy has also befallen many schools and this aspect, we can't control. We can't control many aspects of our lives. But we continue to go to the store, take road trips and fly across the country.

But, to close down all schools, just in case, I feel would be catastrophic to society. I think it would cause such a shift, in the lives of our children, it would be felt for generations.

I will not elaborate on that, I will just say- brick and mortar education is what makes our country great. Schools are the arena for challenging adventures, that lead to self-awareness and motivation.

Brick and mortar schools are where students learn to problem-solve, critically think and above all else- form their sense of self. Not every experience is a fond one. Life is not always fair. Its not always easy.

Life is not always fun. But growth comes from the challenges life presents us with.

We often have to endure the struggle and setbacks - the failures and over-achievement nature, of our personal aspirations. Yet as adults, we can look back and realize it is what shaped us.

It's the only thing we talk about- the news cycles are endless, the pundits are shouting from the rooftops- all eager to please the masses of voters who don't understand the critical issue we are facing. It is not just the virus.

It is a societal shift away from communal events and situations.

It is not an inept response, name calling and huge changes not thought out, that will cause the biggest shift. It will be a shattering of the core of our society- Education.

Education is the foundation- the first step in how our society develops, maintains its advantage and the progression of advancements. This stems from an opportunity to learn with your peers and grow from the experience of social interaction.

Student interaction and brick and mortar schools, can not be something, that falls to the wayside because we are afraid. We need to make sure future generations are not left with a gap in social skills, and emotional challenges.

We have to make sure they are the recipients, of the most important gift, we can provide our children- a safe haven to explore, fail and grow. To discover themselves amidst others, who are facing the same struggles and challenges, on a daily basis.

A support network. Where they have experiences for self-reflection and self-awareness. A stage where they can express themselves, believe in themselves and figure out what they want to do when they grow up.

Yes, there are things we need to fix. A lot actually, but that is another conversation. What we need to do now, immediately- is keep brick and mortar schools open. We can't let them shut down and risk the decline in education, and stunting of the social emotional, academic and personal growth, of millions of children.

I know many might not agree with me. The risk might be too big. But, again, I needed to rant and hopefully paint a picture, as to why brick and mortar education is so essential to humanity.

It's the only thing we talk about these days- protecting humanity. But, we must remember the effects of such an overhaul in our societal norms. We can't protect humanity now and wait for the other shoe to fall. We need our feet firmly on the ground and our voices amplified.

Its not just our livelihood- its the lives of future generations at stake here. Brick and mortar schools are the future- not remote learning. Maybe staggered days might be the beginning of a return. But not to provide social interaction of any kind is a mistake. We just have to keep talking about that.

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